Many companies have struggled to stay afloat over the last couple of years due to Covid and the lockdowns. Some companies have had to borrow a lot of money to keep going and it may be that only now they are starting to be able to trade as before. It is very tempting to cut your marketing when money is tight but this can actually make your situation even worse. Depending on what marketing you do, you may find that by cutting it right down or stopping it completely, you lose the small amount of business you have. If you stop your marketing completely then you may also find that if you do wan to start it again in the future, you will have to basically start from scratch.
If you are struggling to afford your marketing, speak to your marketing department or the third party you use and ask them if they can prioritise what is most important to continue with. It may be for example, if you do Google Adwords pay per click, they recommend that you continue doing that but pause your Facebook ads. Once you know where your traffic is coming from you can make more of an informed decision.