Many businesses rely a lot on their websites. It may be that your website is the only way of selling goods or products to the public, especially at the moment with restrictions still in place. IF your website goes offline, this can have a very detrimental effect on your business and you need to ensure that you get it back up and running as soon as possible.

The first thing to check is that your internet is working. This may sound obvious, but often people think their website is down as it will not load but haven’t realised that their internet is actually down.

If you host your own website then you need to get in touch with your hosting company. If you have your website through an agency then you should log the issue with them. It is important to say that the issue is urgent and that you are potentially losing sales or enquiries. The hosting company will usually be able to do some basic checks to see if they issue is something their end. It may be that the server in which your site is hosted has crashed or has been taken offline for maintenance. If this is the case, a simple reboot could fix the issue. If you have recently had some updates done or changes on your website or to the content management system, then this may be what is causing the site not to load. Try and reinstate an earlier version of the site using a previous back up and see if that fixes the problem. If it does then you can go through the changes / updates you made one by to see which one it is that is causing it to crash.

Times are hard for a lot of businesses at the moment. It may be that you have had to shut all of your physical premises and have to go to trading purely online. If this is the case then your online marketing is now more important than ever.

You may have already been doing a good amount of online marketing but if not, it can be quite daunting knowing exactly where to invest your time and money. This is where a web marketing agency will come in. They can use their knowledge and expertise to advise you as to what you should do. They may tell you to invest a big chunk of your budget in to your website for example. This could include building up the search engine optimisation, pay per click campaigns or updating your site to add in a shopping facility. Used correctly, your marketing budget should bring in more revenue than it costs you although this may not be instant. It is vital that you keep your marketing company informed of any changes within your business so they can reflect this in the marketing plan they create for and ensure they are using the latest information.

If you have a web agency that has designed and built your website or even just taken over the management of it then it is advisable that you work closely with them. You may give them a certain amount of money each month for them to invest into different marketing avenues on your behalf or you may give them work on a project by project basis. Whichever way you work with them you need to ensure that you spend an adequate amount of time working alongside them to get the most out of your budget. Some of the work they undertake may require limited or no input from you, whereas other work may be more affective if you can get involved. For example, if they are writing content to go on to your site or on to other sites to get a link back to yours then this content should have your input after all its your business. The best way to do this would be for you to write out the article and then for them to add in the elements that are needed to SEO. Doing it this way will also mean that they can spread your budget further than if they were having to do research and then write it all from scratch.

If you run a web design company or are a self employed web designer / programmer then you may have a place in which you invite clients to come and meet with you. This many be an office that you rent or it may even be part of your home that you have converted into office space. You need your workspace to reflect who you are and what is important to you. It may be that you like to be adventurous with your designs and use bold and bright colours in your workspace. It is always important to have a clean and tidy desk, especially when clients are coming to meet with you. This will give the impression you are organised. If you have to spend ages hunting around for a piece of paper, this does not give a great impression.

When looking at your office space, try and have a designated area that can be used for meetings that is free from clutter and has some visual items around for your guests to look at. Having screens showing your latest work or designs on the wall or logos you have created etc, can be a great way to show off some of your work.