If you are self employed or have set up your own company, you may have been happy with the amount of work you have had. But there often comes a time when that business wants or needs to expand and take on new customers. It can be tricky knowing exactly what to do in order to gain new customers. You may be wary about splashing thousands of pounds in to marketing without a guarantee that you will get it back two fold in sales.

If you don’t want to invest a lot of money in to the marketing you need to accept that it w

Is likely to take longer to grow the business. It may be that once you can see the positive effects the marketing is having you are happy to increase your budget and invest a bit more.

Using ways in which you can promote your business for free are great places to start. Many of the social media site such as Facebook and Twitter do not charge for you to have a profile. You can then promote this profile by running competitions, sharing interesting Information to build up a following.

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