Many people are aware that when they go online or visit a website there is a certain amount of tracking going on. This has become even more apparent since the GDPR update which now requires you to get permission off a visitor to track the as the progress through your site.

Apple states that on average there are 6 different trackers on one site all sending data off to third party companies. This date may include information about what browser you are using, where you are on a phone, tablet or computer and where in the world you are located. The locations may be accurate to within the same town or village to where you live. They can also see what interactions you have made with the site, so what pages you have clicked on, what forms you have completed and what products you have bought. All of this data is then feed back to the company to allow them to use it to improve their website and sales experience. Often this data is quite generic, but if allowed, some websites where you have to log in a create an account can get a lot more personal details from you.

If you are in the process of having a new website built then you need to have a strategy and plan that you follow in order to ensure that everything is done correctly and to minimise any unnecessary disruption to your business.

Firstly, you need to make sure that you keep the structure of the URL’s the same as the are on the old site for as many pages as possible. This will mean you do not have to set up redirects as the old links will automatically go to the new pages once the site is live. IF you do have a different structure or have the site on a new domain then you will need to set up redirects. Ensure that these redirects are going to the relevant pages as much as possible and not just to a home page.

It is vital that you test your website as much as possible before it goes live. Having broken links or parts of pages that do not display or work correctly can be off putting and you may find that the your visitors leave and do not come back again. It is often a good idea to get someone to test the site who has not been involved in the build process as they will be able to look at it with a fresh set of eyes.

If you are a business owner and are looking in to ways in which you can boost your business online through your website then you will probably have heard of SEO. Although you do not need to fully understand exactly how it all works and what you need to do, it is important to have an overview of it. This is especially true if you are adding products or content to your site.

SEO cam be very complex  and without understanding the basics of SEO and how it works, you can hinder the affect it can have on your website and you may waste a lot of time undoing work that has previously been done by your marketing company or department.

You need to realise what a website needs in order to perform well on the search engines and ensure that any content or images that you put up on the site adhere to the SEO procedure. All content that is added to the site should be written with SEO in mind. You can either hire an SEO content writer for this or you can write the content yourself once you are familiar with how it works and how to get the right elements in to your writing.  

If you have decided to set up your own business you may be feeling excited about the idea but also a little bit anxious as you try to plan for your set up costs and try to come to a conclusion about the most effective way to promote your business. The cost of marketing a business can be expensive as you try to make your business known but it is crucial to the success of your company that you promote your business in as many ways as possible.

A good place to start is to carry out market research to find out the most effective way to attract your clients as this can vary according to the services and products that your business is offering.

For instance if you are running a business that is online based such as an online retail store then it is essential that you have an online presence of some sort either a website or a social media business page alternatively, if your business is one that caters mainly for customers in your locality such as a hairdresser it may not be necessary to outlay money on online marketing. So careful thought needs to be given to the marketing strategy that is suitable for your particular business.

Advertising is an important part of any business and effective marketing is essential for success.  Businesses need to have a web presence either in the form of a website or on social media platforms ideally on both. The cost of paying a professional web designer is out of some small company’s reach so deciding to design and build their own website is becoming a popular option.

Online there are a vast selection of tutorials which help the inexperienced designer, so it is certainly worthwhile spending time before you begin collecting ideas and learning the basics. Researching examples of websites that impress you to get an idea of how you want your site to look is a useful strategy and allows you to compare themes.

If you feel ready to begin your design but are unsure how to begin online templates can be used to get you started. They can be customised to your business with your company name and logo. The next step is to upload your content including photographs and text. SEO tools can be built in to enable your site to be visible when potential clients search online for your company.

Don’t forget to keep your website up to date as this is essential for good customer relations.