If you have decided to set up your own business you may be feeling excited about the idea but also a little bit anxious as you try to plan for your set up costs and try to come to a conclusion about the most effective way to promote your business. The cost of marketing a business can be expensive as you try to make your business known but it is crucial to the success of your company that you promote your business in as many ways as possible.

A good place to start is to carry out market research to find out the most effective way to attract your clients as this can vary according to the services and products that your business is offering.

For instance if you are running a business that is online based such as an online retail store then it is essential that you have an online presence of some sort either a website or a social media business page alternatively, if your business is one that caters mainly for customers in your locality such as a hairdresser it may not be necessary to outlay money on online marketing. So careful thought needs to be given to the marketing strategy that is suitable for your particular business.

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