When people think of social media marketing, they normally think or either pay per click types of advertising within the social media websites, or simply of creating a business page and promoting it to gain likes / followers and build up a community etc. These are both great forms of social media marketing but there is often one very important aspect that people forget to consider.
Social media is a place for consumers to discuss a product  / service or company with friends and family. Often this information can also be seen by people that follow the company and may not know the writer of the comment. It is very important to read comments made about your business and proactively respond to positive and also negative comments. A negative comment can have more than 5 times the impact a positive one can and therefore it makes sense to act on these. It may be that the person has made a mistake in which case you need to confirm this in a public response (always making sure you are friendly and professional) but if the person has a valid point then do not be afraid to admit that you are disappointed in the service they have received and will ensure that the situation is rectified. People can be very forgiving and will often not be put off by a company who admits that they had a problem but that it has been resolved and that is very proactive in sorting out any issues that arise.

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